Call Today: Bloomington: (812) 332-5000 Indianapolis: (317) 453-2000

Experienced Representation
For Auto Dealerships Throughout The Nation

Representation And Counsel For Motor Vehicle Dealerships

At Mallor Grodner Plummer Attorneys, we have been representing new and used motor vehicle franchises, including trucking and other sorts of vehicle dealerships, for decades. We regularly represent dealerships in Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Georgia, and Florida.

Our firm has been providing representation to dealerships for over 35 years. This includes involvement in dealership management and operations. Attorneys Geoff Grodner and Mike Shanahan lead the Mallor Grodner motor vehicle dealership practice. In large part due to his representation of motor dealerships, Geoff has been selected for inclusion in Indiana Super Lawyers for 15 years. Attorney Bill Ivers has been named to the Super Lawyers list, and Dustin Plummer and Patrick Ziepolt have been named to the Rising Stars list.

Providing Comprehensive Service For Motor Vehicle Dealerships

The legal services we provide to dealerships includes:

  • Dealership sales and purchases
  • Stock sales
  • Cybersecurity and privacy issues
  • Data breach recovery and prevention
  • Creation and implementation of data privacy and security policies
  • Transition planning
  • Estate planning for dealership principals
  • Manufacturer relations and disputes as well as licensing issues
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Responding to and resolving consumer complaints
  • Document review and dealership documentation and processing
  • Financial negotiations
  • Environmental concerns
  • Resolution of employment law issues
  • Business entity formation and guidance

We thoroughly understand the concerns of motor vehicle dealerships and how to respond to legal concerns. We take immediate and cost-effective actions to resolve such issues. As this is such a vital part of our business, we do what is necessary to accommodate the needs and schedules of the dealerships we represent.

Contact Us For An Appointment

To set up a consultation with one of our knowledgeable auto dealer attorneys, please call us at 317-580-4959 or 317-453-2000 or complete our contact form. Mallor Grodner Plummer has offices in Bloomington and Indianapolis, and we represent clients throughout Indiana and the surrounding states.

Set Up a Consultation

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Bloomington Office
Bloomington Office
511 S Woodscrest Drive
Bloomington, IN 47401
812 332-5000 Bloomington Office
Indianapolis Office
Indianapolis Office
11595 N Meridian St.
Suite 850
Carmel, IN 46032
317 453-2000 Indianapolis Office