Call Today: Bloomington: (812) 332-5000 Indianapolis: (317) 453-2000

Providing Personal Service
For Clients Throughout Indiana

Attorneys Providing Comprehensive Real Estate Services

At Mallor Grodner Plummer Attorneys, we offer an outstanding combination of real estate industry savvy and business law acumen. Whether your real estate interests are commercial or residential – or both – we can help you protect your investment, avoid liabilities and negotiate real estate deals from a position of strength.

Our real estate services include:

  • The negotiation of sales, acquisitions, commercial leases, loans and refinancing
  • The drafting, reviewing and revising of purchase agreements, leases, loan and refinancing documents, construction loan agreements and related documents
  • Land subdivisions and planned unit developments as well as zoning changes and variances
  • Eminent domain and condemnation proceedings
  • Construction disputes
  • Landlord-tenant disputes
  • Mechanic’s liens
  • Partition actions
  • Negotiating and documenting work-outs
  • Mortgage foreclosures as well as tax abatement and protests

Contact Us To Set Up A Meeting

Please call Mallor Grodner Plummer at 317-580-4959 or 317-453-2000 or complete our contact form to arrange a consultation. With offices in Bloomington and Indianapolis, we advise and represent individuals and businesses throughout Indiana.

Set Up a Consultation

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Bloomington Office
Bloomington Office
511 S Woodscrest Drive
Bloomington, IN 47401
812 332-5000 Bloomington Office
Carmel Office
Carmel Office
11595 N Meridian St.
Suite 850
Carmel, IN 46032
317 453-2000 Carmel Office
Indianapolis-North Office
Indianapolis-North Office
3755 E. 82nd Street
Suite 110
Indianapolis, IN 46240
317 580-4959 Indianapolis-North Office